Gudur And. Pr.
Club Information
Club ID:
District ID:
Meeting day and time:
Thursday - 07:00PM
DNR Community Hall
Andhra Pradesh
Mr Venkata Sridhar Reddy Bandi
Mr Gopal Naidu G
Community Services
Club Services
Upcoming Events
Gudur And. Pr.
Groceries Distribution for old People of...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution Groceries for old People of Help age Program Held at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan , President BV Sridhar Reddy Secretary G Gopal ...
Gudur And. Pr.
Groceries Distribution for Old People
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Groceries of Help age for Old age people at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan, President Rtn PHF B.V.Sridhar Reddy Secretary Rtn G....
Gudur And. Pr.
Street Name Boards Launching Program
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
The is the First project Street Name Boards planned by President Rtn PHF B.V.Sridhar Reddy Rotary Club of Gudur.He Had Verified the streets list at Gu...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Wheel Chair for Govt Hos...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Wheel Chair for Government Hospital by Rtn Dr B. Syamsundar Rao in memory of his third anniversary of his mother Bandi Vanamma .Presid...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Cycle for Children at Mi...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Cycle for Children at Mini Gurukulam Indiara nagar Sponsored by Rtn Dr. B Syamsundar Rao in Memory of his Mother Bandi Vanamma Third...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Groceries of Help age
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Groceries of Help age for Old age people at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan, PDG Surendra Bommireddy who his chairman of Help ag...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Mike set by Rtn V Sivara...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Mike set by Rtn V Sivarami Reddy to GSR Municipal High School for school purpose to utilize for school activities , for this school Ro...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Laptop By Rtn Dr CJanar...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Laptop BY Rtn Dr C Janardan Reddy on His Birthday to student who is studying Engineering Second Year , President BV Sridhar Reddy Sec...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Groceries on Help age Pr...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Groceries Today 10.10 .24 Distribution of Groceries Held at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan Monthly Supply of Essential Groceries...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Clothes for Old Neglecte...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Clothes for Old Neglected People Sponsored by Rtn N Balakrishnam Raju Memory of His Mother late Nandimandalam Subbamma who had recentl...
Gudur And. Pr.
Felicitation on World Teachers day
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Felicitation on World Teachers day, Today we have Felicitated Sri Dr. Gangisetti Sivakumar , Dr.IS .Chakrapani , and Chief Guest Sri K.Sarath Babu who...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Groceries
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Today 10.08.24 Distribution of Groceries Held at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan Monthly Supply of Essential Groceries to the Neglected old Peopl...
Gudur And. Pr.
Contribution Amount for Eye Surgery
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Contribution Amount for Eye Surgery for Adhemma who is Dhobi at Kagithalapur Village who got already operated one Eye and another Eye got infected so ...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Cheques for Cm Relief Fu...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Cheques for Cm Relief Fund for the Victims for Floods in Vijayawada , It is big disaster in Andhra Pradesh in 48 hours Floods destroye...
Gudur And. Pr.
National Sports Day ( Major Dhyan Chand ...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
National Sports Day ( Major Dhyan Chand Birthday) Sports Conducted at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan , 16 Schools Participated in This Program. ...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Food and Blankets for Th...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Food and Blankets for The Inmates of Old Age Home Maintained by My Friends Association with courtesy of MEPMA & Municipality Sponsored...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution for Desktop Computer at Man...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution for Desktop Computer at Zilla Parishad Primary School Manubolu , Sponsored by Rtn P Sivarami Reddy, School Headmistress Mrs Vasntha Kuma...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Desktop Computers
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Three Desktop Computers at Zilla Parishad Boys High School Sponsored by Rtn Chadalavada Muraidhar President of Cyberabad District 315...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Groceries
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Today 10.08.24 Distribution of Groceries Held at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan Monthly Supply of Essential Groceries to the Neglected old Peop...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Choice Food and Umbrella...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Choice Food and Umbrellas To Inmates of Balasadan , Narasingarao Pet . Sponsored by Our Past President Rtn PHF Ashok Chakravarthi on t...
Gudur And. Pr.
Presentation of RO System in ZP HIgh Sch...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Presentation of RO System in ZP HIgh School Chillakuru in Memory of Late Konidala Muniramaiah Father of K Munibhaskar and PDG K Munigirish for School...
Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Merit Scholarships for t...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Distribution of Merit Scholarships for two students who got 73% in Intermediate and another student 89% on 10th class Sponsored by President BV Sridha...
Gudur And. Pr.
Rotary Helpage Program
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Today Rotary Helpage Program Held at Alluru Audisesha Reddy Rotary Bhavan Today Groceries distributed for Old age people since 27 years for 29 people ...
Gudur And. Pr.
Choice food to the Inmates of OLD AGE HO...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Choice food to the Inmates of OLD AGE HOME Sponsored by Rtn MV Shivkumar in memory Late Munjuluru Ramanaiah Garu . This is an Unique Program who Start...
Gudur And. Pr.
Alluru Auidsesha Reddy Games and Sports ...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Alluru Auidsesha Reddy Games and Sports Meet Held at Aullu Audisesha Reddy Stadium at Guduru . This is Program will be Held by Sri Alluru Audisesha Re...
Gudur And. Pr.
Felicitation of Doctors On Doctors day o...
Home Club: Gudur And. Pr.
Felicitation of Doctors On Doctors day on 01.02.24 . Our Club Have 9 Best Doctors who are committed of their Profession . They are very busy so we req...