Hindupur And. Pr.
Club Information
  • Club ID: 15788
  • District ID: 3160
  • Meeting day and time: Wednesday - 07:00PM
  • Address: Rotary Community HallHindupurAndhra PradeshIndia
Mr. A. Nagaraja Reddy
Srinivasulu Meda
Hindupur And. Pr.
Childrens Day Elocution Competition Home Club: Hindupur And. Pr.
On the occasion of Childrens day we conducted elocution between interschool of Hindupur.
Hindupur And. Pr.
Childrens Day Creativity competition Home Club: Hindupur And. Pr.
on the occasion of Childrens day the Creativity competition was conducted across the schools of Hindupyr
Hindupur And. Pr.
Awareness on eye donation and Importance... Home Club: Hindupur And. Pr.
Eye donation fortnight. Awareness on eye donation and Importance. Responsibility of citizens on eye ?????? donation and prevention of corneal blindnes...
Hindupur And. Pr.
Honoring Teachers of our Club Members Home Club: Hindupur And. Pr.
Honored teachers of Rotary Club and Innerwheel Club of Hindupur